
Licensing Diverse Content: Exploring the Middle East and North Africa with Orchard Clips and Veritone

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Preview of rich content of the Middle East and North Africa from Orchard Clips. You’ll hear from SVP of Content Licensing Jay Bailey, who’ll dive into licensing workflows and opportunities for this media. Then, hear Luke Smedley, who will preview this content live and showcase various buckets of media available to buyers.

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Luke Smedley

Head of Orchard Clips

Luke has over twenty years of experience in the archive and asset management business. He worked for over a decade with the Associated Press (AP), rising from a junior position to leading a large team managing some of AP’s most important customer delivery websites, asset management systems, and global film and video archives. He spent another five years with LADBible, managing the processing of thousands of user-generated videos (USG) per week and helping produce iconic, viral content.

Jay Bailey

SVP of Content Licensing & Operations

Jay is a seasoned professional with over twenty years of experience in sales and account management. For the last thirteen years, he’s overseen Veritone’s licensing business, who represent some of the most popular and premiere archives in the world of sports, news and UGC content. He specializes in the curation and monetization of premium content for premier media copyright holders.

In partnership with

Orchard Clips


Don’t miss out on previewing this rich library of content from Orchard Clips

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